- Events
- SET 2
11.07.24 6PM – Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues: NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct – 3HR PPLD
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
The Changing Face of Diversity in Oregon Child Care – 3 HR D
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
FREE TRAINING – Using the Power of Bulletin Boards to Enhance Children’s Learning – 3 HR LEC
Virtual EventLog in 10 min early to check your devices. Once you confirm your devices are connected and working you can turn off your camera and mute your mic and wait for class to begin. If you show up late you will not be admitted. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Leadership: Interviewing Families – 3 HR PM
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Leadership: Leading Staff – 3 HR PM
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Leadership: Assessing the Staff, the Program, and Yourself – 2 HR PM 1 HR OA
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
11.14.24 & 11.21.24 6PM – Exploring Culture Through Literature – 6 HR D
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Cooking Nutritious Meals with Children – 3 HR HSN
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Nurturing children’s self-esteem – 3 HR HGD
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Writing Policies and Procedures – 3 HR PM
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Models of Parent Conferences – 3 HR FCS
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.
Moving children from extrinsic to intrinsic reward – 3 HR HGD
Virtual EventLogin in at least 5 minutes early to make sure your camera and audio are working. Classes require active participation to earn certificates.