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You will explore infectious disease control practices. Participants will use their knowledge of preschoolers to develop and implement good sanitation, health and nutritional practices in preschool programs. You will examine health and nutrition practices for preschool age children, and explore how to model and teach healthy practices to children. Participants will examine child abuse and neglect causes, prevention and how to implement reporting practices.
During this training you will explore approaches to enhance children’s receptive and expressive communication skills. You will explore strategies to create literacy rich environments. You will explore approaches to help preschool age children learn about the sounds and structure of language.
During this 15 hour training you will use your knowledge of preschool age child development to explore strategies to encourage children’s creativity and self-expression. This course will include examination of ways to use music, movement, art and the related materials to develop an environment that encourages exploration and experimentation by preschool children.
During this training you will explore ways to help preschool age children develop positive social skills. You will explore methods for teaching social skills and approaches to encourage skill development by creating an environment that encourages the development of friendships and caring behaviors.
During this training you will examine techniques to improve program management in preschool age programs. You will explore using portfolios, team evaluations, and team planning. You will explore ways to get and maintain information about the preschool age children in your program.
During this training you will explore professional standards and ethics. You will explore methods to grow as a professional and apply your knowledge and skills.
Skill-Building Journal: Caring for Preschool Children.
Caring for Preschool Children Edition 3.
Please complete the self-guided training before the FCC scholarship year ends June 30, 2025. We cannot guarantee submissions after June 15, 2025, will be completed in time to qualify for the scholarship.
If you are working on multiple modules, please submit each one as you complete it, rather than sending them all together at once.