Diversity Trainings
Diversity (DIV): Knowledge, recognition, respect and acceptance of differences in race, gender, ability, age, language, family composition, culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and religion. Modeling acceptance and respect, promoting equity, and weaving anti-bias awareness and respect for diversity throughout all interactions, practices and program activities.
If one of these trainings interests you, check our schedule. If you cannot find the training you want or if you want to host an in-person training for your program, let us know.
Most of Our trainings are online
Online Trainings show the Virtual Icon at the top left corner.

Core Knowledge Categories are called at the bottom left corner.

New Trainings show a star on the event page. A blue square near the training title on calendar pages also signifies new trainings.
Classes require active participation. For online trainings you will need a device with a camera, microphone, and speakers to participate.
Diversity Trainings
Cooking International Foods with and for Children in Child Care Settings – 3 HR D
Diversity Exploration
Genealogy with Children and Families
Trainer Faye Zepeda
Let’s explore diversity – what makes us different and alike? We will explore our cultural, ethnic and ancestral identity. Explore and discuss several genealogy activities that you can do with the families who attend your program. Are we all cousins? We will examine DNA and family trees. To prepare for the training research your family including geographical, culture and ethnicity.
Set 2
4HR Diversity
2HR Family Community Systems
Age groups
Infant/Toddler – Pre-school
School age
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Cooking International Foods
with and for Children in Child Care Settings
Trainer Joyce McCoy
In this class, providers will explore using international foods as a part of an anti-bias environment. Providers will examine new recipes to cook with and for children and strategize methods to incorporate foods from other countries into the child care setting.
Set 2
6HR Diversity
Age groups
Infant/Toddler – Pre-school
School age
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Cultural Explorations
in Child Care Settings
Trainer Joyce McCoy
This class will explore a variety of activities, at all age ranges, to assist providers in developing a multicultural child care environment. Providers will examine ways to incorporate multiculturalism seamlessly into the child care environment. Bring your ideas to share.
Set 2
3HR Diversity
Age groups
Infant/Toddler – Pre-school
School age
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Family Composition
As An Aspect Of Diversity
Trainer Joyce McCoy
The definition of family has been rapidly evolving. Explore the wealth of family compositions and examine your feelings around them. Examine how your own feelings around families influence you as a provider and your program. Develop strategies for improving your program and creating an inclusive environment for children and families.
Set 2
6HR Diversity
Age groups
No Age-Related Content
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International Children’s Games
Trainer Joyce McCoy
Come to this class to explore games from around the world. Practice a few and examine ways to include international games as a way to enhance the cultural diversity of your child care program.
Set 2
3HR Diversity
Age groups
Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
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Religious Diversity
In Child Care Settings
Trainer Joyce McCoy
This class covers serving children of diverse religious backgrounds in a child care setting. Examine a variety of religions and explore ways to provide accommodation and acceptance of children’s unique spiritual culture
Set 2
3HR Diversity
Age groups
Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
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The Changing Face of Diversity
in Oregon Child Care
Trainer Joyce McCoy
Participants will examine the ethnic and racial makeup of families in child care today and the anticipated change in the next ten years. What changes if any will child care programs need to consider? Participants will evaluate their programs and develop a plan for a more diverse child care program.
Set 2
3HR Diversity
Age groups
Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
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Strategies to Develop Equitable and Diverse Programs
Trainer Joyce McCoy
What does equity mean? Understanding and applying the concept can help providers grow programs that allow EVERY child an equal opportunity to succeed now and later in life.
Set 2
4HR Diversity
Age groups
No Age-Related Content
Register For A Diversity Training
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