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In-person – CPR, AED & First Aid – Salem, OR

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Classes require active participation to earn certificates. Log in 10 min early to check your devices. Once you confirm your devices are connected and working you can turn off your camera and mute your mic and wait for class to begin. If you show up late you will not be admitted

In-Person Training


Faye Zepeda


Zepeda Learning & Leadership in Salem, OR 97306. The address will be on your Ticket.

Age groups

Training covers all ages: Infants, Toddlers, Children & Adults.

In-person – CPR, AED & First Aid – Salem, OR
October 22 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Training Description

Zepeda Learning & Leadership teaches Good Samaritan CPR (adult, child, infant), AED, and First Aid. Our Training is consistent with the 2023 American Heart Association (AHA) BLS, CPR and ECC guidelines. Our Training meets national Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and Oregon Office of Child Care requirements.

Directions to the event in Salem Oregon 97306 will be on your ticket.

Certification is good for 2 years.