2 Training Cohort for your professional development.

You responded to our Fall Survey, and we listened. ZLL is thrilled to announce two upcoming Cohort trainings designed to help you achieve your professional development goals and reach that next ORO step. These cohorts were explicitly created for educators who expressed interest in working with a consistent group of peers with similar training aspirations.      

Cohort one is looking at where you are and where you want to go. Make sure to download a PDF of your professional development statement*. Your development statement will be handy during the training session. You can also email a copy to me so I can assist you during class. 

*Sign in to my Oro before clicking this link for the best experience.

If you received the SUN FCC scholarship from OCCD, you can use it to cover the cost of these two cohort classes. Email your SUN acceptance email to faye@zepedalearning.org to get started. Review this blog for details on attaining the scholarship.


Upcoming Trainings

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